You’ve heard of blob-Squatch before, but a blob-Goblin?
Recently posted video out of Mexico, claims to show a goblin or duende crossing a rural road.
The video, posted to the Excelsior YouTube channel gives only this explanation for it:
“A video began circulating on social media where a supposed elf is supposedly seen running on a farm in Monterrey and which was captured by the security camera of the place.”
The video is exceptionally grainy and appears to be cell phone footage of a security camera screen.
While we can see what appears to be some small creature crossing the road what exactly it is remains VERY unclear.

In the video, all we can see is a small creature moving across the road. In all fairness, whatever it is looks to be upright and walking on two legs, but because the video is so grainy. We can see it move from left to right, pause then continue on into the bushes.
Unfortunately because of the low resolution, coupled with IR filming, all details are lost.
Could this be a Duende?
Duendes are magical little creatures from Mexican stories, kind of like tiny elves or goblins with a big sense of mischief. They’re not much taller than a soda can, with pointy ears and sometimes even little hats. People say they live in forests, under bridges, or even sneak into your house to play tricks. You might wake up one morning to find your socks knotted together – that’s probably the work of a duende!

These tiny tricksters can be both good and bad. Sometimes, if you’re nice to them, they might help out by cleaning your room or finding something you’ve lost. But if you make them mad, watch out! They could hide your keys or make noises to scare you at night. Duendes love to play pranks, so if something weird happens, like your favorite snack going missing, it might just be a duende having a bit of fun.
Interestingly enough, duende, like other elves are reported to braid or knot horse’s manes. The Museum of the Goblins, or “Museo de los Duendes,” in San Miguel Regla has an interesting collection of duende related drawings, sculptures and photographs, along with an interesting collection of clippings of braids from horse’s manes, supposedly done by the duende.

Is This A Duende In This Video?
Does this video actually show a duende crossing the road or is it something more mundane? Leave a comment below with what you think we are seeing in this video!
Have you had an encounter with a duende or similar creature? I would love to hear about it. Send me an email to and tell me all about it.